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CSI+ conducted resource mobilization trainings for WHO/AFRO.

CSI+ facilitated a series of 3-day Resource Mobilization workshops for WHO teams in Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou), Gabon (Libreville), Zimbabwe (Harare) and the WHO/AFRO regional office in Congo (Brazzaville). The objectives of the 3-day workshop were to give resource mobilization skills and exposure to WHO staff and to couple this with long term follow up and individual coaching to enable each workshop participant to achieve their resource mobilization objectives.

Emphasis was placed on strategic planning proposal writing and positioning elements, as well as aid alignment and harmonization.

Evidence shows that immunization remains one of the single most effective and cost-efficient health interventions ever. Despite decades of know-how and evidence, however, immunization rates remain low in most sub-Saharan countries and initiatives lack adequate funding. With only 5 years to go before 2015, many developing and developed country governments are looking for progress on the MDGs and strategic investments in areas contributing the most to internationally recognized goals. Strong voices are needed to strategically position WHO in general and immunization in particular vis-à-vis these country level constructs.

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